Judge slams Romanian group of shoplifters as a ‘disgrace’ to their country | HOȚI ROMÂNI certați în Marea Britanie: Sunteți o RUȘINE pentru țara voastră

Patru români au fost catalogați drept ”o rușine” pentru țara lor de către un judecător britanic după ce au fost prinși furând haine dintr-un supermarket.Cei patru au sustras îmbrăcăminte în valoare de sute de lire sterline dintr-un magazin din Huddersfield, oraș aflat la 300 de kilometri de Londra.

Ei se numesc Aurelia Lăpușan (19 ani), Marian Gheorghe (20 de ani), Cornel Bălaiu (36 de ani) și Gheorghe Pongori (25 de ani). Toți și-au recunoscut furturile, menționează The Huddersfield Daily Examiner.
Citiţi mai mult: HOȚI ROMÂNI certați în Marea Britanie: Sunteți o RUȘINE pentru țara voastră – Panorama > EVZ.ro http://www.evz.ro/detalii/stiri/hoti-romani-certati-in-marea-britanie-sunteti-o-rusine-pentru-tara-voastra-1046325.html#ixzz2YRXXUuKb

A GROUP of Romanians were blasted as “a disgrace to their country” after stealing hundreds of pounds worth of clothes from a Huddersfield store.

The group of four were labelled ‘professional shoplifters’ by a district judge at Kirklees Magistrates’ Court.

Mr Callum Watkiss-Rooney told them: “You besmirch the name of the Romanian people.”

Aurelia Lapusan, 19, Marian Gheorghe, 20, Cornel Balaiu, 36, and Gheorghe Pongori, 25, admitted theft.

Robert Campbell, prosecuting, told the court that the offence took place on June 8 at TK Maxx.

He said that staff in the Kingsgate Shopping Centre store were immediately suspicious of the group.

Mr Campbell said: “They were moving items from shelf to shelf and standing in huddles from time to time.

“Police were called and directed to the four defendants who were escorted to the security office.”

The court heard that the group – all of William Street in Ravensthorpe – had the store’s own plastic bags on them.


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